Leader Packet

John 10:10


Getting Started

1. During the I AM teaching series, what has been most helpful up to this point? Which Scripture, illustration, or main point has shaped (or re-shaped) your understanding of Jesus and who He is?


2. This week, we learn about Jesus as “the Door.” When you think of a door, what images come to mind? What memories of doorways have you seen and passed through? How can a door be a metaphor for who Jesus is?


Digging Deeper

1. Read John 10:9. What about this verse sounds comforting? Is there anything about this passage that could feel exclusive or narrow-minded to someone who does not accept what the Bible teaches? The term “narrow” typically carries negative connotations, but if we aspire to be like Jesus, we must also embrace narrow-mindedness in a Christ-like manner. When it comes to salvation and knowing God, Jesus Christ is unequivocally narrow-minded.


2. In support of the above passage, read John 14:6 and Acts 4:12. In what other area of life is there only “one path” to something? What happens when a person tries a path that does not lead to the desired destination? What does this tell us about the “narrow-minded” reality of life? If we truly desire to know God, we must approach Him through Jesus Christ alone. He is the gate; there is no other route to reach God. As an aside, let’s briefly look at those who may have embraced the notion that sincerity and doing one’s best is enough. The majority of people attending church today believe that what one believes doesn’t matter as long as they believe something, or at least mean well. However, the Bible narrows it down to believing in Jesus Christ alone.


3. For those of us who have walked through the door of Jesus Christ, we have been given exciting blessings. Of the below blessings, which one do you most connect with at this time in your faith journey? Explain.

  • Salvation - John 10:9 Salvation is not just about being saved from physical dangers. It holds a deeper meaning for personal salvation. Through Jesus, we can be saved and delivered from death and destruction and the wrath of God. Also, read Romans 5:7-10.
  • Security - John 10:9 What does it mean when it mentions going in and going out? It simply implies that one has willingly placed themselves under the secure care of the Shepherd. The assurance lies in the fact that the shepherd is always stationed at the door, providing protection. Moreover, being part of the flock where the Good Shepherd resides grants you the freedom to move confidently within the Shepherd’s safekeeping.
  • Sustenance - John 10:9 Psalm 23 portrays a peaceful scene of green pastures and calm waters where a caring shepherd tends to his sheep’s needs not only to ensure their safety and security but also out of love for them. He attends to their every need, providing nourishment and sustenance.
  • Satisfaction - John 10:10 This is one of our most cherished verses in the Bible, and it answers one of history’s most important questions: why did Jesus come into the world? Well, according to Jesus Himself, He came into the world to give us abundant life. The Greek word used here for “abundantly” conveys the idea of having more than enough, overflowing, over and above, exceeding expectations, in measures beyond what we can even comprehend or receive.


4. Read 2 Peter 1:3. Describe a time when God blessed you. Along with the blessing, what thoughts and emotions came up in you? As you enter the fold, you receive a multitude of blessings—salvation, security, sustenance, and satisfaction. These blessings leave you filled with excitement as your needs are met. No longer do you have to worry about the dangers of thieves and robbers, for you have entered God’s safekeeping through the one true door.


5. Read Ephesians 2:8-10. What are we called to do with this blessing and promise of safekeeping? It is tempting to gather up in our safe little pasture, protected from the fears of this world. Unfortunately, that’s not our calling. We are safe, therefore we go. We are protected, therefore we walk into the fray. We do not hide our light under a basket (Matthew 5:15-16), but we armor up (Ephesians 6:10-18) and the safekeeping provided by our Shepherd goes with us. Bonus: How does Ephesians 6:12 show how we can be both safe and protected while also grappling with the dangers we desire protection from?


Applying the Message

1. Who in your life needs to see that Jesus is the Door? How are you living your life so that they know that they are invited in? How can you show them that this Door is open for them to enter?


2. How can you live more boldly this week, knowing that the Shepherd’s protection goes with you?