Leader Packet


Getting Started

1. Describe a king you have some knowledge of. It could be a historical king or a fictional one. What was unique about this king? Here are a few famous kings in history: Henry VIII, Charles I, Louis XVI, and Charles III. Well-known kings in fiction include: Aragorn, Mufasa, Aslan, Arthur, Elrond, and Simba.

2. When we think of a good historical or fictional king, what are some characteristics that set him apart as being “good?” Some answers might include: benevolent, devoted, generous, firm, gentle, fair, and compassionate.

Digging Deeper

1. Jesus is called the “Redeeming King.” Of the below descriptions of Jesus as King, which one do you most resonate with? We all have some knowledge of all five of the below descriptions, but each of us connects to one more than the others. Help your group share how they relate to Jesus the King in their own unique way. Feel free to look back through the sermon outline and read a few of the verses that coincide with each of Jesus’ titles.

King of the Jews
King of Israel
King of Kings
King over All the Earth
King of Glory

2. We heard that “The Kingdom of God is something that now exists on earth, as a present reality.” In what way(s) do you recognize the current Kingdom of God on earth? You and I are members of the King’s Domain. The church is like an invisible force now embedded on this planet, spreading, growing, and wielding greater influence than we can fully understand. The kingdom is already, but not yet.

3. Read Psalm 72:2, 4, 12, 14. Of the below attributes of His Spiritual Kingdom, describe the way in which you have seen Jesus move His redeeming agenda forward in your own life, and the lives of those around you. 

Spiritually Think about how Jesus has brought about spiritual revival in your life. 
Ethically How have you returned to biblical ethics, through the power of Jesus in your life? 
Morally In what way have you witnessed someone changing the moral code of their lives because of Him? 
Emotionally Describe a person you know who has moved away from dark and debilitating emotions and is now growing in joy and hope.

4. Pastor Jeremiah said, “It is through the lens of prophecy we should view the conflicts of today, and so give us hope for tomorrow.” How are challenges and strife being met with the love of Jesus? Locally? Nationally? Internationally? One simple example is relief efforts. What organization are you familiar with whose main goal is to go to the most impoverished and war-torn areas of the globe in order to bring relief and healing? The news cycles on Earth leave us depressed. We wonder if things can get any worse. But we are closer than ever to a time when we’ll turn off the news with a smile and say, “Can things get any better!” Right now, we watch the news and pray. Then we’ll watch the news and praise!

Applying the Message

1. As you think about your life, what percentage of your heart feels obedient to Jesus, the King of Kings? How is this teaching nudging you to turn over more of your thoughts, words, and actions to Him in surrender? Even as Christians, we struggle with sin. Sanctification is the process by which we more fully live under the authority and direction of Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. As we continue in our faith journey, we should continually find new parts of our lives where Jesus needs to be in charge.

2. As a Christian, today might be a day of rededication to Jesus. As a non-believer, today might be the day to officially accept Jesus as your Redeemer King. What next step of faith do you need to take today? In what way does understanding the Coming Golden Age offer help for navigating today’s challenges and hope for the future?